Your views: Restricting promotions of food and drink high in fat, sugar or salt

The Scottish Government has proposed a set of measures to restrict the sale, promotion and in-store location of products high in fat, sugar or salt.

The planned restrictions target Temporary Price Reductions and Meal Deals (price restrictions) and in-store placement of products (location restrictions) - e.g. checkout areas, end of aisle, front of store and island/bin displays.

Businesses with more than 50 employees (including company owned and independent symbol group stores) will be required to implement ‘price restrictions’. Any store, whether company owned or independent, over 2,000sqft will also be required to implement ‘location restrictions’.

The full Scottish Government consultation is available here. Closes 21st May.
1.Which of the following best describes your business?
2.If you answered (b) to Question 1, please also answer the following:

The Scottish Government has proposed that business models operating as symbol groups should not be exempt from HFSS ‘price restrictions’. Due to having more than 50 employees across the symbol group.

Do you agree that independent symbol group stores have the additional capacity/resource required to apply restrictions to Temporary Price Reductions, Meal Deals? When compared to unaffiliated independent retailers.
3.If you answered (b) to Question 1, please provide your views on being included in the ‘price restrictions’:
4.Do you agree that restrictions to HFSS products will have a meaningful impact on the types of products people will purchase?
5.What implications do you expect there would be for your businesses if Temporary Price Reductions are restricted? Such as multi buys, ‘extra free’ offers, etc.
6.What implications do you expect there would be for your businesses if Meal Deals are restricted? The Scottish Government is considering restrictions to Meal Deals based on the maximum number of HFSS products offered in the deal (ie. up to 0, 1 or 2)
7.What implications do you expect there would there be for your businesses if in-store locations are restricted? (ie. Checkout, End of aisle, Store entrances, Covered external area, Free standing displays.)
8.What would be a sufficient timescale to allow price promotions on packaging to be phased out?
9.What would be a sufficient timescale to allow stores to adjust to location restrictions?
10.Reflecting on customer experience and potential consumer confusion, which of the following two options would be your preference?
11.Please provide any additional comment on HFSS restrictions or how they will impact your business.