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* 1. According to a 2022 study, what percentage of Americans are considered metabolically healthy?

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* 2. Starting in the 1950's, an aggressive campaign began to address the rise of heart disease in the US. Currently, what is the leading killer of Americans?

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* 3. One large eggs contains 187 mg of cholesterol. The current USDA nutritional guidelines recommend which limit on dietary cholesterol?

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* 4. According to industry experts, how old is an apple that you buy at a grocery store?

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* 5. According to recent studies, does red meat cause cancer?

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* 6. In 1977, The US Government set our original national nutritional guidelines that were determined largely by (choose all that apply)-

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* 7. The cereal industry was started in the 1870's largely because-

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* 8. The current numbers on cattle's contributions to greenhouse gasses are estimated to be around what percent in the US?

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* 9. What percentage of vegetables need to be included for oil to be called "vegetable oil"?

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* 10. In 2022, Tufts University introduced their Food Compass, ranking foods by order of their healthfulness. Choose the three foods in the "green" category-