Conference and Exhibition Survey 2018

We would like to thank you for your participation in the CAA Conference and Exhibition 2018. Here is your opportunity to tell us what we did well and how to improve the conference next year.  Your feedback is valued!  

We hope to see you next year in Halifax, N.S. - Sunday, October 27 - Wednesday, October 30, 2019.

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* 1. What were your favourite sessions, or topics in the 2018 Conference?

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* 2. Please rate your satisfaction with the quality of the education sessions overall. Scale of 1 to 5 with 1 unsatisfied, 2 somewhat satisfied, 3 neutral 4 somewhat satisfied 5 very satisfied.

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* 3. How satisfied were you with the quality of the contributed posters and contributed podium presentations? Scale of 1 to 5 with 1 unsatisfied, 2 somewhat satisfied, 3 neutral 4 somewhat satisfied 5 very satisfied.

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* 4. Did you find the poster blitz session valuable when presenters gave brief and rapid spoken presentations of a small # of selected contributed posters? Scale of 1 to 5 with 1 unsatisfied, 2 somewhat satisfied, 3 neutral 4 somewhat satisfied 5 very satisfied.

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* 5. What was of value to you at the conference? Select all that apply:

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* 6. Were the exhibition hall and industry events of value to you?

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* 7. What did you think of the Conference app?

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* 8. How would you rate the Registration Process?

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* 9. How can we improve for future conferences and why?

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* 10. Please suggest Speakers for a future Conference

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* 11. What topics would you like to see in the upcoming 2019 Conference for the 1-hour sessions?

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* 12. What topics would you like to see in the 2019 Pre-Conference Workshops?

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* 13. Will you attend the CAA conference and Exhibition in October 2019 in Halifax?

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* 14. Please provide additional suggestions