Local democracy doesn’t finish, it just starts on the election day. After that, it’s our citizen’s responsibility to enforce our democratic power by participation in the constant improving of our community. With this survey we give you the opportunity to evaluate on a monthly basis your local council’s efforts and results and to have a regular voice about the received value for your money.

Research Ritaconsult ™, being non-affiliated, self-funds its projects and it is highly dependent on your citizens’ activity. Some of our surveys are continuing from the previous periods of time. Some of them are completely new ones. We, though, have surveys going all the time. And you participate in them all the time as well. It’s a two way project, so thank you for your job.
Welcome for participation in our survey
We would like to ask you some questions about your local council. Local councils are responsible for a range of services such as public safety, fire protection, water supply, refuse collection, street cleaning, planning, education, social care services and road maintenance. If you live in an area with more than one council please think about the way in which they deliver services to you overall. This would include city and county councils.

Question Title

* 1. Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with each of the following:

  Very dissatisfied Fairly dissatisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Fairly satisfied Very satisfied
A. With your local area as a place to live
B. From the way your local council manages the services in your local area
C. With the level of engagement your council offers to local residents
(By engagement we mean giving local people information about the council, asking them for their views and giving them a direct say in decision-making.)

D. With the extend to which your local council(s) acts on the concerns of local residents
E. How well informed your local council(s) keeps residents about the services and benefits it provides

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* 2. How much do you trust your local council(s)?

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* 3. Which individuals do you trust most to make decisions about how services are provided in your local area?

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* 4. What three things do you think your council could do better to engage with local residents?
(By engagement we mean giving local people information about the council, asking them for their views and giving them a direct say in decision-making.)

Question Title

* 5. What is:

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* 6. You live in:

Question Title

* 7. How would you evaluate the wealth of your household?

Question Title

* 8. Your parents are:

Question Title

* 9. You can use this space to say  personal "thank you" or to give recommendations to your local (city or county) council members or to share your positive or negative experience with your community: