SCHHA Policy Project - Servant Leadership for Homesteads

You Are Invited!  Please Consider Serving Homesteads - Complete this 3 Minute Survey!

The new Governor elected in November 2022 will appoint 6 of 9 Commissioners to the Hawaiian Homes Commission in the first 100 days of his administration for Senate Confirmation - one of which will also be the DHHL Director

An additional appointment of the DHHL Deputy Director will also require Senate Confirmation. 

That’s 7 citizen names for the new Governor to bring to the Senate in 2023 impacting our lives on the waitlist and on Hawaiian Home Lands.
Homestead Association leaders statewide, invite Native Hawaiians willing to serve and/or to recommend knowledgeable citizens to join a Servant Leaders List to present to the new Governor for consideration!
1.I Would Consider Serving in an Appointed Position at DHHL or on the Hawaiian Homes Commission by the Next Governor(Required.)
2.I Recommend Others to Be Appointed to Serve at DHHL or on the Hawaiian Homes Commission by the Next Governor
3.How would you rank the importance of each experience category for DHHL or Commission Appointees on a scale of 1 to 5, 1 Being Not Important and 5 Being Extremely Important:(Required.)

A.  Experience in Legal and Fiduciary Duties of the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act of 1920
B.  Experience working in or with DHHL 
C.  Experience delivering direct services to HHCA families
D.  Experience in management of multi-faceted Public or Private entities
E.  Experience in private, commercial and government finance, tax credits, bonds and other financing instruments
F.  Experience in County, State and Federal agencies and governing bodies
G.  Experience in housing development and related services
H.  Experience in farming and ranching operations or related services
I.  Experience in business, mercantile or entrepreneurship and related services
J. Experience real-estate development, new construction, acquisition or property management
K.  Experience in mortgage and housing finance, escrow or realtor services
L.  Experience in loan servicing and foreclosure prevention practices
M.  Experience in natural resource or water management 
N.  Experience in serving on governing boards accountable to public