Emerging issues in science and policy for Uganda
What are the top 3 emerging issues in science and policy for Uganda?
An issue that is recognized as very important by the scientific community, but are not yet receiving adequate attention from the policy community. ▪ The issue could be positive or negative
The EISP committee has identified seven criteria for emerging issues in Science and Policy.
These are:
1. Magnitude of the threat or impact- a) Does the issue have immediate, intermediate and/or major long-term impacts/effects?
2. Novelty-a) Is the issue novel? b) Is it due to the intensification of some factors? c) Does it require a fresh understanding of the causes or consequences? d) Does it require the development of new management options? e) Is it an issue that has gone unrecognized for some time?
3. Relevance to society-a) Is the issue a potential threat or opportunity? b) Is it of societal or international relevance?
4. Policy relevance to Uganda. a) Does the issue have implications for the current policy and decision-making environment? b) Does it require a policy shift?
5. Relevance to Development Goals. a) Does the issue in question relate closely to the National Development Plan?
b) Does the issue relate closely to the Sustainable Development Goals?
6. Persistence
a) Is the issue expected to persist (non-transient) and/or does it have a clear endpoint?
7. Mitigation a) Does the issue have available or potential mitigation measures locally?
b) Does the issue have available or potential mitigation measures internationally?
For each issue identified, which three of the above seven criteria apply to it? (Please write each issue and then list its corresponding criteria numbers next to it.)