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Data Governance
Which of the following best describes your
organization’s data governance strategy
It has been operational for more than two years
It has been operational for one to two years
It was created and deployed within the past year
We had one in the past, but it is no longer operational
We have never had one
Where does your organization fall on Gartner’s data governance maturity scale?
No awareness of any data governance activities.
There is a well-recognized need for a standard set of tools, processes, and models in place to establish uniformity across the organization.
Sharing of information takes place between the internal teams in the organization. However, the level of adherence is low.
Information management system is accepted and adopted
DG standards and policies are well understood and implemented throughout the organization. Information assets are categorized, and information metrics are defined. A committee is formed to solve inter-team information issues and to identify the places for the betterment of the same.
We’ve reached our goal in terms of information management. Data is a key asset to our competitive advantage. EIM strategies are linked with improved productivity and efficiency.
What are the biggest obstacles you face when it comes to taking your DG strategy to the next level?
(Choose up to 3)
Lack of skilled talent or expertise
Lack of data leadership or vision
Unable to build a business case
Lack of leadership buy-in
Lack of business stakeholder engagement
Negative perceptions stemming from previous efforts
Legacy IT infrastructure
Legacy or lacking data infrastructure
The cost of software or solutions
Systems complexity
Organizational Silos
Data integration issues
Business IT Alignment
Change management shortcomings
Data quality issues
Cyber security concerns
Privacy or regulatory considerations
Silos & poor collaboration
Only partial access to data
Issues with 3rd party data owners (i.e. vendors)
We lack the tech necessary to operationalize DG
Lack of Data Documentation
Other (please specify)
How would you rate the quality of the data used to run your business?
Very Good
I don't know
How confident are you in the data your organization sends into analytics and data visualization applications?
Not Confident
Somewhat confident
Very Confident
Not Sure
Who is responsible for Data Governance at your company?
The business users who use the data
Data Stewards
Business Analysts
Chief Information Officer
Chief Data Officer
Chief Compliance/Risk Officer
No one
I Don't Know
What are the most important benefits of Data Governance?
(choose up to 3)
Improved Decision-Making
Improved Operational Efficiency
Improved Data Understanding and Lineage
Improved Data Quality
Complying with Industry Regulations
Increased Revenue
Enhanced data analytics capabilities
Better asset management/utilization
Improved account management & customer retention
Decreased time to market
Fraud detection
Improved cyber security
Streamlined financial reporting
Systems integration & interoperability
Legacy system consolidation/migration
Other (please specify)
Do you expect your final, approved budget for data governance to increase over the next year?
No, I expect it will stay the same
No, it will decrease
I don’t know
We don’t have a budget for data governance
Do you expect your final, approved budget to include
in any of the following areas? (
select all that apply)
Data Security
Data Quality
Data Management
Data Infrastructure
Data Analytics
Enterprise Data and Analytics
Main Data Management [MDM]
Data Integration
Data Preparation
Reference data management
Data profiling and exploration
Data visualization
Data monitoring
Metadata management
Are you looking to invest in any specific data governance tools over the next year? If so, which ones?
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered