This survey is intended to identify the benefits and challenges Regina's rental housing providers experience, when renting to newcomers. The survey will also identify helpful supports needed from settlement service providers, and other community partners.
The survey is anonymous and confidential, and only the aggregated responses will be distributed to the RRLIP and SKLA for the purposes of developing resources for rental housing providers, newcomers, and settlement agencies.

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* 1. Please select the option that best describes your role in rental housing.

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* 2. Have you ever rented to newcomers in Regina (individuals born outside of Canada, currently living in Regina, Sask.)?

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* 3. If you have never rented to newcomers, please share why not.

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* 4. If you have rented to newcomers, please tell us the benefits  you have experienced.

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* 5. If you have rented to newcomers, please tell us the challenges you have experienced.

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* 6. When renting, or considering renting to newcomers, what general supports would be helpful?

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* 7. When renting, or considering renting to newcomers, what supports would be helpful to receive from settlement service providers?

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* 8. What information do you need to process rental applications? This question is being asked so settlement service providers can better prepare clients when seeking housing.

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* 9. Many newcomers lack rental history or references in Canada. In your opinion, what would be useful to overcome this challenge?