The Season is nearly over so it's time to get voting for those most deserving of RHC Awards!

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* 2. Please vote for the member of your team you feel deserves to receive the Most Valuable Player award this season

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* 3. Please vote for the member of your team you feel deserves to receive the Jagoe Trophy for Most Improved Player this season

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* 4. Please vote for the club member you feel should receive the Jean Scott Trophy for their exceptional contribution to the club

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* 5. Please vote for the club member you feel deserves the Sportsmanship award for the season

The following awards do not require a vote:
Joan Blackmore Cup (Top Team) - will be awarded to the highest ranked team in their league/Cup competitions at the end of the season
Sylvia Bryan Award (Top Goal Scorer) - will be awarded to the club member who scores the most goals over the season