The data collected will help to inform the priorities for financial year 2025-26.

Please can we ask that you spend 10 minutes completing this annual survey thinking about your role as SENCO and the staff in your setting that you co-ordinate.

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* 1. Name

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* 2. Name of setting/settings, if you are a SENCO across multiple settings please write the names of all settings.

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* 3. Your settings locality, if you are a SENCO covering multiple localities please select all that apply.

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* 4. Please indicate your level of experience as a SENCO.

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* 5. Please prioritise the support needs of your setting when addressing the following SEND needs?

Cognition & Learning

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* 6. Would you like additional support in any of the following areas, tick all that apply.

Social, Emotional & Mental Health

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* 7. Would you like support in any of the following areas?

Communication & Interaction

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* 8. Would you like support in any of the following areas?

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* 9. Nationally the % of pupils in mainstream school with EHCP's is currently around 2.5%, do you have more pupils within your setting with an EHCP?

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* 10. Nationally the % of pupils in mainstream school with SEN Support is currently around 13%, do you have more pupils within your setting at SEN Support?

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* 11. In your opinion have you seen an increase in the number of pupils within your setting with SEND?

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* 12. In your opinion have you seen an increase in the number of pupils within your setting with a higher level of need requiring a significant amount of additional support?

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* 13. Please share with the board your thoughts around the challenges currently facing your setting with regard to SEND.

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* 14. The boards are interested in any ideas for future projects. Please share with the board any ideas or suggestions for inclusive practices/interventions that support pupils with SEND.

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* 15. Have you benefitted from a Locality Board project?

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* 16. The boards are required to measure the impact of all the projects they fund. Where possible they would like to gather data using your preferred method, therefore please rank the different data gathering methods below.

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* 17. Have you visited the new Locality Board website?

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* 18. Do you cascade adverts received from the Locality Board to staff teams within your setting?

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* 19. Please use this space to add any other comments you would like to make about the locality boards.