55+ Live

Top 5!

As part of our new 55+ Live! talk show, taking place the first and third Tuesdays of each month while centers are closed, we are introducing a special segment called Top 5! You vote for your favorites in each category, and we announce and discuss the top 5 choices of a category on the show! Have a reason behind your choice? Be sure to include it for a chance to be featured!
1.July is National Hot Dog Month. What is the strangest hotdog topping you like?
2.We’re planning a show about volunteerism. How do you volunteer?
3.Tell us which technology topic you find most frustrating. The topic that gets the most votes will be featured in our next episode with a short class.
4.What has been your favorite vacation? Have a picture you would like to share? Email Lpaig@arlingtonva.us
5.What would you like to see on the 55+ Live?
6.Name (optional) - this is a chance for you to be part of the show since we will mention some 55+ members' names and their response.