Exit this survey Maintenance Inventory and Purchasing Question Title * 1. What percent of the time are materials in stores when required by the maintenance organization? More than 95% 80 to 95% 70 to 79% 50 to 69% Less than 50% Question Title * 2. What percent of the items in inventory appear in the maintenance stores catalog? 90% or more 75 to 89% 60 to 74% 40 to 59% Less than 40% Question Title * 3. Who controls what are stocked as maintenance inventory items? A. Maintenance B. Anyone else Question Title * 4. The maintenance stores catalog is produced by: Alphabetic and numeric listings Alphabetic only Numeric only Catalog is incomplete or non-existent Question Title * 5. The aisle/bin location is specified for what percent of the stores items? More than 95% 90 to 95% 80 to 89% 70 to 79% Less than 70% Question Title * 6. What percent of the maintenance stores items and issued to work order or account number upon leaving the store? More than 95% 90 to 95% 80 to 89% 70 to 79% Less than 70% Question Title * 7. Maximum and minimum levels for the maintenance stores items are specified for what percent of the inventory? More than 95% 90 to 95% 80 to 89% 70 to 79% Less than 70% Question Title * 8. What percent of the critical maintenance materials is stocked in the warehouse or in a location readily accessible when the material is required? More than 95% 90 to 95% 80 to 89% 70 to 79% Less than 70% Question Title * 9. Maintenance stores inventory levels are updated daily upon receipt of materials what percent of the time? More than 95% 90 to 95% 80 to 89% 70 to 79% Less than 70% Question Title * 10. What percent of the items are checked for at least one issue every six months? 90% or more 80 to 89% 70 to79% 50 to 69% Less than 50% Question Title * 11. Feel free to provide any information or comments you care to here. They will be read by several human beings! Done