Question Title * What is your favorite 17.8 feature? GitHub Copilot Add Reviewers to your PRs Case Preserving Find and Replace Multi-Repo limit increase Summary Diff & Improvements Create a Pull Request Remote Linux Unit Test Support Make Global Function Static Sort #include Directives Visual Studio Update Notification Edit your Pull Request Descriptions with Markdown GitHub Avatars added to Git Repository Window Teams Toolkit C++ Structure Diagnostics CMake Targets View Improvements Size and Alignment of C++ Classes, Struct, and Union Make member function const hints C++ Standard Library Unreal Engine Test Adapter Unreal Engine Code Snippets Unreal Engine Macro Specifier Suggestions Build Insights Function View Structured Diagnostics C11 Threading Support Remote File Explorer Improvements Size and Alignment Hints New code fix Improved autocompletion Reduced noise in parameter name hints Diagnostics for unopened files .NET Counters Tool in Debugging Scenario How to safely use secrets in HTTP files .NET Counter Support for New Instruments via Meters API BenchmarkDotNet IDiagnosers launch.json support for open folder Cross-platform Enc/Hot Reload debugging support (Docker, WSL) Debug Linux App Services via Attach to Process Test Profiling with VS Profiler Code Action for Event Handler Method Generation Background Color for C# Code New IntelliTest now in Preview Upgraded Microsoft.Data.SQLClient (MDS) 3.0 to MDS 5.0 and more! Ability to install just the Installer Admins can prompt users to close VS to unblock administrator updates Please explain why this is your favorite feature? Question Title * What would you like to see in the next release? Done