Exit Petition to Oppose Cluster Lot Development in Whites Creek Question Title Please sign this petition to show your opposition to a proposal that would bring nearly 200 homes to Brick Church Lane near Trail Hollow and I-24 (photo of area above). The entirety of Brick Church Lane is currently rural homes on an average of 1 home per 16 acres. This proposal would allow over 6 homes per acre in an area that is currently dense forest - without any transition from rural to urban density. The Planning Commission has the authority to disapprove such proposals when they do not meet current regulations, codes, and policy. In addition, they can disapprove based on safety concerns. The neighbors believe that this proposal does not meet current policy, does not meet requirements for cluster lot code, and does not meet current subdivision regulations/zoning code in multiple ways. - Surrounding lots are rural in pattern, heavily forested, and significantly less dense- The proposed development pattern is fundamentally inappropriate for the area and against policy- Brick Church Lane is a narrow rural lane with steep hills, dangerous curves, and limited visibility- Mailboxes are only on one side of the street (neighbors have to cross Brick Church Lane to check mail because USPS still considers this a rural area)- Parcel is bordered by I-24, Briley Parkway, TVA high power lines, and FedEx Ground (including a 7000V electric fence which would back up to homes and a proposed stormwater retention pond) - none of which are safe or appropriate to border residential development- The proposal has several areas of steep slopes which subdivision regulations specifically call out as inappropriate for development for homes, roads, or amenitiesDespite near unanimous neighborhood opposition to the development, District 3 Councilwoman Jennifer Gamble supports the proposal. Pulte Homes has made minimal effort to address the true concerns of the neighbors, and has submitted several items that were already required by law as "concessions" to the community. The developer has not provided any of the typical amenities and services that it has built in its other communities such as pools, club houses, and more robust recreational areas. Please help us fight this proposal by:1. Sign this petition against the proposal2. Email the Planning Commission and Councilwoman Jennifer Gamble in opposition of item number 2021S-069-001 Heartland North proposal by Tuesday, May 11 at 3:00 PM Central. (planning.commission@nashville.gov, jennifer.gamble@nashville.gov, & cc: elise@savewhitescreek.org)3. Attend the Planning Commission Hearing on Thursday, May 13 at 4:00PM Central to speak against this proposal in the public hearing (learn more about how to join the meeting here)Whites Creek is currently facing several proposals which do not account for the rural character of the area. Residents would not be so opposed to developments which adhere to existing policies and laws. Thank you for your support of this community and responsible development of homes in Whites Creek. For more information or to be added to our newsletter about developments and community news, please email elise@savewhitescreek.org. Question Title Question Title * 1. Name Question Title * 2. Street Address (Required for Planning Public Comments) Question Title * 3. City Question Title * 4. Zip Code Question Title * 5. Phone (Optional) Question Title * 6. Please enter your comments/concerns about the proposal (safety, density, sound, equity, etc.): Question Title * 7. Add me to your email newsletters about this neighborhood Yes No Question Title * 8. Email 100% of survey complete. Submit Petition