KANSAS! Magazine Reader Survey Magazine Questionnaire Question Title * 1. Are you a KANSAS! subscriber? Yes No Question Title * 2. If yes, how long have you been a subscriber? Less than 1 year 1-2 years 3-5 years 5-10 years 10 years + Question Title * 3. How can we improve your subscription/renewal process? Question Title * 4. If you used to subscribe to KANSAS! but are not currently, please share why. My subscription lapsed but I will renew Renewing my subscription was too complicated Cost of subscription Don’t have time to read the magazine Don’t find value in the content Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. If you’ve never been a subscriber, please share why. Not sure how to subscribe Cost of subscription Don’t have time to read the magazine Don’t find value in the content Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. What would make you interested in becoming a subscriber? Discounted subscription price Free digital content (guides, eBooks, special issues) Free gift with your subscription (tote bag, poster, calendar) None Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. Do you enjoy receiving the wall calendar with your subscription? Yes No Indifferent Question Title * 8. If the calendar was not included with your subscription, would you purchase it separately? Yes No Question Title * 9. If the calendar was not included with your subscription, would you unsubscribe? Yes No Question Title * 10. How could we improve the calendar? Question Title * 11. Do you prefer to read the magazine in print, digital, or both? Print Digital Both Question Title * 12. What is your favorite section(s) of the magazine? Kansas Captured Behind the Lens From the Poet Laureate Photo gallery Reasons We Love Kansas Taste of Kansas (Recipes) Other (please specify) Question Title * 13. What is your least favorite section(s) of the magazine? Kansas Captured Behind the Lens From the Poet Laureate Photo gallery Reasons We Love Kansas Taste of Kansas (Recipes) Other (please specify) Question Title * 14. Is there a section you would like to see added? Calendar of Events Interview with a Kansan City/town focus with travel itinerary None Other (please specify) Question Title * 15. What topics would you like us to cover most? (You can select multiple) Art & Entertainment Artist & Makers Cultures & People Food & Dining Getaway Trips History Home & Garden Nature & Wildlife Outdoor Recreation (hiking, kayaking, etc) Photography Shopping Small town/rural Kansas Other (please specify) Question Title * 16. Do you have a story idea for KANSAS? Please share. Question Title * 17. How could we improve the stories/content in the magazine? Question Title * 18. How would you rank the overall design of the magazine? Question Title * 19. How would you rate the photography in the magazine? Comments Question Title * 20. How would you rate the readability of the text in the magazine? Comments Question Title * 21. How can we improve your visual experience of the magazine? Question Title * 22. How do you like to receive information? (You can select multiple) Magazine Email Social Media Direct Mail Newspaper Television Radio Text Family/Friends Other (please specify) Question Title * 23. How would you like to hear from us about the magazine? (You can select multiple) Magazine Social Media (Facebook, Instagram) Email Direct Mail Other (please specify) Question Title * 24. Which social media platforms do you prefer to use? (You can select multiple) Facebook Instagram Twitter / X Tiktok Pinterest Youtube Other (please specify) Question Title * 25. How could we improve our communication with you? Question Title * 26. Would you be interested in being part of a smaller focus group, providing further feedback on potential story ideas, future magazine themes, etc? If yes, please include your email: Next