Active at any age!- expression of interest survey

1.Please select where you live:
2.Please select your age group: 
3.What physical activity, exercise or sport do you usually participate in? 
4.Would you be interested in participating in an organised Heart Foundation walk in your area? 
5.Through the Better Ageing Grant, we’re able to deliver subsidised exercise classes to older Australians over the age of 65. Please list any exercise, sport or physical activity you would like to participate in that we can help facilitate  e.g. Tai Chi, Circle Dancing, Pilates, Chair Bingo, Yoga...
6.Children and older Australians benefit mentally and physically from inter-generational play. Would you be interested in attending a kindergarten to support children moving?
7.Please provide your name and email address to go into the draw to win a $50 SportsPower Kerang voucher.
Current Progress,
0 of 7 answered