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* 1. Gender: How do you identify?

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* 2. What is your race or ethnicity?

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* 3. What is your sexual orientation?

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* 4. What is your job role?

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* 5. What's the highest level of education you've completed, to date?

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* 7. Use this 5-point scale to rate your agreement with the following statements:

  No: Strongly DISAGREE 2 3: Unsure/Neutral 4 Yes: Strongly AGREE
My employer makes good use of my skills and abilities.
I feel happy at work.
I am generally satisfied as an employee.
My employer positively recognizes my work and contribution(s) to the team.
I feel a sense of belonging at work.
I trust my co-workers at work.
Barring promotion, I plan to stay in my current role for the foreseeable future.

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* 8. Use the 5-point scale to rate your agreement with the following statements:

  No: 1-Strongly DISAGREE 2 3: Unsure/Neutral 4 Yes: 5-Strongly AGREE
I feel emotionally drained at work.
Working at my current employer causes me a lot of stress.
I feel accepted by others at work, just as I am.
In terms of work, I am burnt out.
I feel safe at work.
I feel like a valued member of the team at work.
I derive a sense of joy and fulfillment from my job at work.
I worry a lot about my job security at work.
I feel proud to work at my current place of employment.

Question Title

* 9. Use the 5-point scale to rate your agreement with the following statements:

  No: 1-Strongly DISAGREE 2 3: Unsure/Neutral 4 Yes: 5-Strongly AGREE
It is clear that my supervisor and/or colleagues care about me.
I expect to earn/receive a "high" performance evaluation score this year.
Leaders are made, not born.
Leadership can be developed through effort, feedback, and training.
Managers at my job value my input and feedback.
In my opinion, work is distributed evenly or fairly across my team/unit.
My employer offers adequate opportunities for promotions and career advancement.
My employer gives me the tools and technologies I need to do my job well.

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* 10. Use the scale to rate the extent to which you engage in the following activities PER WEEK:

  1: Never, 0 hours 2: 1-5 hours 3: 6-10 hours 4: 11-15 hours 5: 16 or more hours
Reading/responding to email.
Meeting with others at work via Teams, Zoom, or in-person.
Writing reports or other documents related to my job.
Holding other people accountable for their work.
Assessing the performance of my team/office.
Giving constructive feedback to others about their work performance.
Contemplating leaving my job.
Applying for other jobs elsewhere.
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