PETS+ 5-minute Brain Squad Survey: May 2020 (Weblink) PETS+ Brain Squad Survey: May 2020 GETTING TO KNOW YOU Some quick questions to allow us to identify you. Question Title * 1. I am the owner or top manager of a business whose primary function is: Bricks-and-mortar retail pet store/boutique Online store selling pet supplies directly to the public Boarding kennel/pet daycare/pet-training business Grooming salon/DIY wash Pet-sitting business (with or without a physical storefront) Veterinarian/pet hospital selling pet supplies Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. Provide this information to become a member of the Brain Squad and receive a free t-shirt: Your first and last name Your store name City and state your business is located in Your email address Basic Questions Let's get you warmed up with some sales questions. Question Title * 3. How were your overall business revenues in February, March and April compared with the same months in 2019? Way up (25 percent or more) Up Same Down Way down (25 percent or more) February February Way up (25 percent or more) February Up February Same February Down February Way down (25 percent or more) March March Way up (25 percent or more) March Up March Same March Down March Way down (25 percent or more) April April Way up (25 percent or more) April Up April Same April Down April Way down (25 percent or more) Question Title * 4. HOT SELLERS. What was your best-selling product or service in April? And was it markedly different from your best sellers in March or February? Please let us know why it appealed to your customers, what types of customers bought them and why you like to sell them. Also any promotions you may have had to sell more. (Please be specific as to the models, manufacturers/suppliers and retail prices.) General Questions A few queries about the way you do business. Question Title * 5. ONE QUICK QUESTION.Who was/is your most important business mentor? A parent A hired consultant/coach A fellow business owner A previous boss Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. DO YOU, DON'T YOU.Do you use video monitors to promote products and/or services in your store or business? Yes No If you do, do you create content yourself, use content supplied by manufacturers or a mix? Does it lead to regular sales of product/services featured? Feel free to share any examples! If you don't, any reason why? Question Title * 7. EDITORIAL OUTREACH.TELL US, PLEASE: Do you plan to attend SuperZoo? What issues factored into your decision to attend or to not attend? If not, how do you plan to learn about new products? Question Title * 8. IT'S A WRAPDo you have a wrapped delivery or other vehicle? Please tell us a little bit about it, including cost, and upload a photo below. Question Title * 9. Please upload here PDF, PNG, JPG, JPEG file types only. Choose File No file chosen Remove File Please upload here Question Title * 10. MOAR WEBINARSWe're on a webinar roll! Tell us what topics you would like to see us cover in the coming weeks and months. They don't have to be related to COVID-19. Feel free to volunteer as a panelist as well. Question Title * 11. CBD DISPLAYSDo you have a cool CBD/hemp display? Tell us about it and upload a photo below. Question Title * 12. Please upload a photo of your CBD display here PDF, PNG, JPG, JPEG file types only. Choose File No file chosen Remove File Please upload a photo of your CBD display here Question Title * 13. YOUR BEST SIDEIf you're a Brain Squad regular, you know we love to include photos of our members (comments get much more attention when accompanied by a photo) in features. If we don't have a recent high-quality headshot of you, please upload one below. Question Title * 14. Please upload photo here. PDF, PNG, JPG, JPEG file types only. Choose File No file chosen Remove File Please upload photo here. ... AND WRAPPING UP Question Title * 15. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. What's on your mind? It can be about the magazine, website, webinars or daily email bulletins. Or it can have zero to do with us! You can just share your thoughts relating to the industry. Done