PGC Growth Journey Participant Survey Question Title * 1. Was being a part of the Growth Quad beneficial for you? Not at all Extremely Not at all Extremely Question Title * 2. Did your morning and evening routines improve? Not at all Extremely Not at all Extremely Question Title * 3. Would you recommend the Growth Quad experience to others? Definitely not Definitely Definitely not Definitely Question Title * 4. How many of the weekly calls did you attend? None 1-3 4-6 All 7 Question Title * 5. How many of the videos did you watch prior to the call? None 1-3 4-6 All 7 Question Title * 6. What impacted you most in being a part of your Growth Quad? Question Title * 7. How can we make your experience even better going forward? Question Title * 8. Would you be willing for your comments above to be used as a testimonial? If so, please include your name below. Done