COVID-19 Health Screen

Must be completed before every shift.  

2.What is your full name?(Required.)
3.Do you now or in the past 48 hours  had a temperature of 99.9F or greater?(Required.)
4.Do you have a cough?  (new onset, or worsening in the past 48 hours?) (Required.)
5.Are you short of breath?  (New onset, or worsening in the past 48 hours.)(Required.)
6.Have you been in direct contact with anyone who has the above symptoms or has been diagnosed with COVID - 19?(Required.)
7.My answers are truthful and answered to the best of my ability.(Required.)
8.I understand that If I answered yes to questions 3-6 that I need to call and speak with the PDHH nursing supervisor before the start of my shift.(Required.)
9.I understand that I am expected to wear a mask at all times when I am working in a clients home. (Removal of mask for eating/drinking/fresh air break must be done in a room separate from clients).  (Required.)
10.please add any additional information or further explain answers that may need further clarification.