2015 Research Matters

Please provide your feedback of the Research Matters event.  If you have any questions, please contact the Office for Clinical Research at OCR@Emory.edu.

Question Title

* 1. Enter the date of the Research Matters event.


Question Title

* 2. The program agenda was well organized

Question Title

* 3. The program met its stated objectives

Question Title

* 4. This program will help me improve study subject care

Question Title

* 5. My educational needs were met

Question Title

* 6. The level of material presented was appropriate

Question Title

* 7. There was ample time for discussion

Question Title

* 8. The meeting facility was adequate for learning

Question Title

* 9. The information presented was free of commercial bias

Question Title

* 10. The program provided me information or knowledge that will cause me to modify or change an aspect of my research practice.

Question Title

* 11. How did you learn about this program? (circle all that apply)

  Select all that applies
OCR Website
Another Person

Question Title

* 12. Was this program free of commercial bias?

Question Title

* 13. How will the knowledge or skills gained from this educational activity be used to change your practice? Please give specific examples:

Question Title

* 14. Are there any barriers to prevent changes and if so, how will you address these?

Question Title

* 15. Other Comments: