Dear Conference Attendee/NAFCC Member,

The National Association for Family Child Care (NAFCC) is dedicated to advancing the quality of child care by empowering the profession of family child care, which serves nearly one million paid home-based early learning programs nationwide. In order to continue our efforts in advocating for the needs of FCC educators and the families they serve, promoting professional accreditation, and ultimately improving the quality of early care and education across the nation, we need to hear from you!

Your input plays a crucial role in helping us enhance our services and make a positive impact in the profession of family child care. This survey contains questions about you, your program, and your experiences with NAFCC. The insights you share will shape our future programming, enhance membership benefits, and strengthen our policy and advocacy initiatives. Individual responses are confidential and will not be shared outside of NAFCC.

At the conclusion of the conference, all family child care (FCC) educators who complete the survey will have the opportunity to enter a raffle where 25 lucky winners will each receive a $100 gift card AND if you complete the lead portion of the survey you will have a chance to win an Eco-Healthy Child Care’s E-Learning Course for free ($30 value; adult learning clock hours provided in all states).

We extend our gratitude for the invaluable work you do in supporting families within your community, and we appreciate your support of NAFCC!