HVTC Group are completing a review of our Staff Induction and Onboarding processes.
As a People Manager, your feedback will enable us to maintain an onboarding program that meets the specific needs of our business.

The survey questions will refer to both Onboarding and Induction, for clarity;
We will ask you to rate your satisfaction with the induction materials, facilities, timing, systems training, equipment, delivered in the first 2 - 3 weeks.
Onboarding We will ask you to rate your satisfaction with the 3-month touch point and 6-month probation process.
To refresh your memory, the current Staff Inductions modules include the following: (note content will vary depending on the position being onboarded).

Question Title

* 1. Induction

How satisfied are you that the Group HVTC Staff Induction content assists new starters to understand their position and responsibilities?

Question Title

* 2. How satisfied are you that the HVTC Group Staff Induction content helps new starters understand the GTO & RTO operating business models?

Question Title

* 3. How satisfied are you with the overall first impression the HVTC Group Staff Induction gives our new starters?

Question Title

* 4. How satisfied were you with the IT equipment supplied to your new stater? i.e. laptop and mobile?

Question Title

* 5. How satisfied were you that your new stater received the relevant system training during the HVTC Group Staff Inductions? i.e. Astute, SharePoint, Rapid Global and Ready Recruit.

Question Title

* 6. How satisfied were you with the job specific training provided in the HVTC Group Staff Induction i.e., Incident investigations, Angry Customer training, E Logbook, and Catapult?

Question Title

* 7. Please indicate below if you feel any of the HVTC Group Induction content would be better facilitated online through Rapid Global?

Question Title

* 8. Please indicate below if you feel any of the HVTC Group Induction content could be delivered at a later date? (After the initial 2- 3 weeks)

Question Title

* 9. Is there any information that the HVTC Group Staff Induction doesn't cover that would be useful in the new starters first few weeks with the HVTC Group?

Question Title

* 10. Do you think it is beneficial for all new starters to complete their first week of inductions at our Central Services Office in Rutherford Instead of completing them remotely?

Question Title

* 11. Do you believe that the 2-3 week timeframe in which inductions are completed is effective?

Inductions are delivered too quickly Inductions are delivered in an effective timeframe Inductions are too spread out
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 12. Do you have any further suggestions that you feel will improve the HVTC Group Staff Induction?

Question Title

* 13. Onboarding

The purpose of the 3-month touch point is to provide employees with an opportunity to have a confidential conversation with HR about their first three months with HVTC Group. It provides us with the opportunity to recalibrate the employees onboarding to ensure that all training, equipment and leadership needs are being met. 

How effective has the 3-month touch point been for your new starters in ensuring effective onboarding?

Question Title

* 14. The purpose of the 6 month probation process is to provide employees with an opportunity to have a confidential conversation with their manager to openly discuss the role and their performance/suitability. 

How effective was the 6 month probation process in assisting you to provide role clarity and clear actionable feedback on your employee's performance?

Question Title

* 15. Do you have any further suggestions to improve HVTC Group Staff Onboarding?