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* 2. Is there an appropriate place for you to complete school work at home?

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* 3. Do you know your student email address and username required to access the google classroom?

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* 4. Are you now signed up to google classroom for all of your subjects?

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* 5. Do you have access to broadband internet at home?

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* 6. How would you rate the quality/speed of your internet connection at home?

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* 7. Which of the following digital devices do you have access to at home?

  My own device Shared family device Parent/Guardian device for work N/A
Smart phone
Tablet/ I-Pad

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* 8. Please rate your ability to complete the following tasks:-

  Unable to do this Some difficulty doing this Very capable of doing this
Accessing homework assignments/ materials on google classroom
Submitting/Uploading homework assignments to google classroom
Communicating with your teacher through google classroom
Communicating with friends in the class on google classroom 

Question Title

* 9. How well did you complete the following tasks during the lock-down:-

  Very poorly Poorly Satisfactory Quite well Very well
Accessing homework assignments
Completing the homework
Submitting the homework
Reading/Accessing Teacher feedback
Summer exams/ Graded assignments

Question Title

* 10. Would you like to see a portion of this year's Christmas exams being awarded through continued assessment?

0 of 10 answered