4-H At Home Parent Survey

1.Did your child complete any of the 4-H at Home activities? 
2.Which activities did your child or children complete? (Please check all that apply)
3.Did you or your child use the instruction sheet provided in the kits? 
4.Was the instruction sheet provided in the kits clear and helpful?
5.Did you watch the instructional video that demonstrated how to complete the activity? 
6.Was the instructional video helpful in completing the activities?
7.What changes have you observed in your child since completing the 4-H At Home activities?
strongly agree
strongly disagree
My child is more interested in STEM (science, technology, engineering, math)
My child is more excited about learning new things
My child's school grades have improved
I have observed positive changes in my child 
8.Do you and your child look forward to receiving future 4-H At Home activities? 
9.What suggestions do you have for future activities:
10.What suggestions do you have for how we can improve the 4-H At Home activity kits? 
11.What other comments or feedback do you have that would help us improve the 4-H At Home activities?