
10% of survey complete.
Group of Experts on Renewable Energy Second Session
Groupe d’experts de l’énergie renouvelable
Группа экспертов по возобновляемой энергетике
Geneva, 12-13 October 2015
A few minutes of your time to reply to this brief questionnaire will help us to plan future meetings to be of greater usefulness to participants and others.  Many thanks.

En prenant quelques minutes pour répondre à ce petit questionnaire, vous nous permettrez de mieux planifier les réunions à venir afin qu'elles soient d’une plus grande utilité aux participants et autres personnes concernées.  Avec nos remerciements.

Потратив несколько минут на данную анкету, Вы поможете нам улучшить планирование будущих встреч и увеличить их полезность для участников и других заинтересованных лиц. Большое спасибо.
This Online Questionnaire should be completed in ONE browser session; if you re-open the questionnaire in a new browser session, you will not be able to see your answers.

Please navigate through the Questionnaire by clicking the [Next] and [Prev] navigation buttons of the Questionnaire, and do not use browser navigation. [Next] button on a page or the [Done] button at the end of the survey must be clicked to save the page(s) of answers.
Within one browser session, navigating through the Questionnaire using [Prev] and [Next] button does not delete responses already completed, they can still be reviewed/edited.

Once you complete the Questionnaire, in order to close the Questionnaire, please click the [Done] button located on the last web page. Once the [Done] button has been pressed it will no longer be possible to edit data.

It is not mandatory to answer the questions.