Participant Feedback

Thank you for participating in the American Red Cross training offered by Heart Strong Wellness LLC.  We would like to give you an opportunity to tell us what you thought about the course.  This survey is completely voluntary and anonymous.  We greatly appreciate your feedback! 

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* 1. The instructor was completely set up at start time.

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* 2. The instructor was prepared.

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* 3. The instructor communicated information clearly.

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* 4. I had enough time to practice skills. 

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* 5. I received enough feedback from the instructor during skills practice sessions. 

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* 6. The equipment and course materials contributed to my complete understanding of skills.

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* 7. As a result of the course I feel better prepared and more confident that I will be able to respond to an emergency. 

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* 8. I would recommend this course and Heart Strong Wellness LLC to others. 

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* 9. I was satisfied with the course.

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* 10. Which part of this course did you like MOST and why? 

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* 11. Which part of this course did you like LEAST and why? 

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* 12. Please add any additional comments or suggestions about this training.  

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* 13. How did you learn about the course? 

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* 14. If Other, please explain...