Know and manage my attitude and reactions toward suicide
Maintain a collaborative, empathic stance towards clients
Can conduct holistic psychosocial assessments with people who are suicidal
Know and can elicit evidence-based risk and protective factors
Focus on the current plan and intent of suicidal ideation
Can determine client’s needs and develop a care plan to address modifiable risk factors
Develop and enact collaborative evidence-based treatment plans with people who are suicidal
Develop and use collaborative safety plans
Engage people in and deliver treatments focused on suicidality (e.g., CAMS, CBT-SP)
Notify and involve other persons in the treatment plan as appropriate
Document risk, plan, and reasoning for clinical decisions
Know the law concerning treating suicidal people
Engage in debriefing and self-care
Monitor and track meaningful outcomes for people who are suicidal
Rate my overall competency in providing clinical support to a person who is suicidal as: