Hague 2025 Community Preference Survey

Dear Hague Resident:
The Town of Hague is working with the community to update the 2017 Comprehensive Plan. We invite you to participate in our community's planning process by rating the quality of life and your satisfaction with community amenities and local government. The survey is presented through Survey Monkey, an online survey software company. As an alternative, a paper version will be sent out in the mail to all residents. The survey takes approximately 15 minutes to complete. Paper surveys should be mailed to: Supervisor Patchett, Town of Hague, PO Box 509, Hague, NY 12836. You may also drop it off at the Community Center at 9793 Graphite Mt. Rd. Please limit your responses to one survey per household. Your participation and input will be a valuable resource for our community!
Please return the survey by January 31, 2025. Thank you!
1.Please rate Hague as a community on each of the items listed below:
No Opinion
As a place to live
As a place to raise children
As a place to educate children
As a place to retire
Connection to community
Availability of senior services
Openness and acceptance
Availability of affordable childcare
2.Thinking broadly, how do you feel about the future of the Hague over the next five to ten years?
3.Please identify any special places in the community that need long term protection or preservation.
4.Please indicate how likely or unlikely you are to do each of the following:
5.If you could change one thing about Hague, what would it be?
6.Please rate each of the following services offered by the Town:
Exceeds expectations
Meets expectations
Does not meet expectations
Not sure
No opinion
Municipal sewer
Youth programs and activities
Senior programs and activities
Health care
Child care
Youth recreation
Adult recreation
Maintenance of public spaces
Sidewalk and street maintenance
Snow removal
Street lighting
Code enforcement
Animal control
Police Protection
Fire Protection
Ambulance Service
7.Please identify what municipal investment would have the greatest impact on the Town.
8.Are you satisfied with the overall performance of Town government?
9.If your answer to Question 8 is no, please indicate what you think needs to be improved.
10.Please identify what kind of businesses you would like to see in Hague. (check all that apply)
11.What specific improvements are needed in Hague? (check all that apply)
12.What specific recreational facilities need improvement in Hague?
13.Please rate the parks and recreational opportunities in Hague.
Exceeds expectations
Meets expectations
Does not meet expectations
No opinion
Handicapped Accessibility of public parks
Maintenance of public parks
Safety of public parks
Programming for children
Programming for youth
Programming for adults
Programming for seniors
Public trails
14.Do you find Hague to be user-friendly for pedestrians and bicyclists?
15.What specific improvements are needed for pedestrians and bicyclists (identify)
16.Please identify the special places in Hague that should be protected or preserved.
17.Would you like to see the Town invest in improvements that would offset potential impacts from climate change?
18.Please identify any specific environmental concerns you have in the community. (check all that apply)
19.Please identify housing issues in the Town of Hague: (check all that apply)
20.Please indicate your level of concern on the following issues.
Very High Level of Concern
High Level of Concern
Moderate Level of Concern
Low Level of Concern
No Concern
Property Taxes
Business Variety
Cell Service
21.Are you currently a resident of Hague?
22.Please indicate how much time you live in Hague over the entire year.
23.How long have you been a resident of Hague?
24.What is your gender?
25.What is your age?
26.How many children under the age of 18 currently live in your household?
27.Where do you work in relation to your residence?
28.If you work from home is it part-time or full-time?
29.Please share any other suggestions or feedback for local officials.
30.Name (Optional)
31.Email (Optional so we can contact you with future notices)