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Participant Application Process

Dear Campers,
Thank you for your interest in the Lighthouse for the Blind's 2024 Sports Camp!!
Please review the Eligibility Requirements to participate:
* The camper must be between the ages of 12 and 18 as of June 1, 2024.
* The camper must have a medical and educational diagnosis of a visual impairment.
*The camper must be able to participate in contact sports.
* The camper must be able to independently shower, get dressed, toilet, and perform all self-hygiene.
* The camper must have family available to pick them up from the camp should illness or injury arise.

Camp Activities:
Ice Hockey
Water Park
Rock Climbing

Application Process: Only 16 campers will be accepted to participate, so make sure your application is completed on time for consideration! The application deadline is May 1, 2024. We will notify you via email in mid-May to let you know if your camper has been accepted.
The Sports Camp Staff keep all medications for distribution but all campers must be able to administer their own medication.
Please call Angie Yorke if you have questions about eligibility or the application!

Angie Yorke, Blind Community Enrichment Coordinator
314-423-4333 x132

Question Title

* 1. Camper Information:

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* 2. Parent/Guardian Information

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* 3. Additional Camper Information:

  Yes No 
Has the camper previously participated in LHB's Sports Camp or another similar residential program for individuals with visual impairments?
Has the camper ever spent the night away from home?
Does the camper attend the Missouri School for the Blind or another State School for the Blind and Visually Impaired?
Does the camper utilize a long, white cane for mobility?
Does the camper have a shunt or another implanted device?
Does the camper use an alternative form of communication?
Does the camper have physical limitations for participating in activities/sports? If "yes," please describe in the comment section below.

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* 4. Sports Camp will be going swimming and to a waterpark with facility lifeguards present. Please rate the camper's skill level in the water and/or provide additional comments below.

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* 5. Participant Medical Information

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* 6. Please tell us any other important details about your camper that you think we need to know when considering their application. 

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My electronic signature below hereby authorizes and gives permission to the Lighthouse for the Blind – St. Louis to obtain and/or provide the camper's information to prior or current school district(s) and related professionals, optometrist/ophthalmologist, State Rehabilitation Services for the Blind, or any other educational institutions for programming and collaboration regarding the applicant/participant listed below.

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My electronic signature below hereby authorizes and gives permission for the camper's name, photograph, video and/or other identifying information (such as age, eye condition, etc.) to be used by the Lighthouse for the Blind – St. Louis for publicity / collaborative / training purposes. I understand such uses may include brochures, newsletters, website entries, press releases, or written stories without payment or any other compensation. I further understand some uses may be for information and material sent to other organizations/companies (newspapers, television, radio, conference presentations, etc.) and that the materials will become the property of the Lighthouse for the Blind – St. Louis and will not be returned.

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General Liability Waiver:

I, being the parent/legal guardian of the applicant do hereby consent
to his/her participation in voluntary functions sponsored and/or organized by the Lighthouse for the Blind – St. Louis. I understand that he/she is responsible for his/her behavior. I do hereby waive and release the Lighthouse for the Blind – St. Louis, their service partners (including schools) and/or sponsors of any project, event, or function, from all claims and liabilities, of any kind whatsoever, arising from, whether directly or indirectly, my child/ward’s participation in Lighthouse for the Blind – St. Louis, and the or functions.

Transportation Liability Waiver:

I do hereby consent to The Lighthouse for the Blind – St. Louis providing transportation (in commercially procured and private vehicles) for my child/ward if necessary. I do hereby waive and release the Lighthouse for the Blind – St. Louis, their service partners and/or sponsors of any project or function, from all claims and liabilities, of any kind whatsoever, arising from, whether directly or indirectly, my child/ward’s involvement in transportation services provided by the Lighthouse for theBlind – St. Louis.

Release to Seek Medical Treatment*

In the event of a medical emergency, I do hereby consent to the Lighthouse for the Blind – St. Louis releasing my child/ward to the nearest, most appropriate medical professional available. I understand that the Lighthouse for the Blind – St. Louis will notify me of such an event immediately after they have sought proper medical treatment for my child/ward.

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