Wright Brothers Institute - 444: Supercomputer Survey Question Title * 1. Wright Brothers Institute (WBI) and Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) are exploring the concept of providing supercomputer capability through WBI's new 444 location to small businesses. We are exploring the level of interest for such a concept and working on developing the business model to support it. Here are the supercomputer's capabilities: - Silicon Graphics UV system with 1,004 processor cores- 4 Terabytes of shared memory- Can perform 22 trillion Floating Point Operations/sec (22,000,000,000,000 FLOPS) - It is a shared memory system - Shared memory systems don't need to pass messages; a job can access any memory location from any processor, unlike cluster systems, which operate by passing messages across a high speed network using the MPI (Message Passing Interface) protocol.Specifics of the WBI – 444 Supercomputer Café:- Ability to connect to the supercomputer using Ohio Academic Research network (OARNet) connection that will be provided in the 444 facility to include a Linux workstation- Secure wireless access point provided by 444 facility (for use with your own personal Linux laptop) - OARnet connection speeds = 10GB Fiber Optic connection- Collaboration space for team strategic planning if needed- Server located in secure facility on Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OHWhy are we doing this? Supports AFRL Strategic Objectives to improve and increase collaboration and partnerships with Industry, Academia, and other government organizations using an open computing system unencumbered by requirements to have all parties on a common government contract. Does this provide to you the capabilities that you need? yes no (please explain) Comments Question Title * 2. What would you use the supercomputer for? Independent Research and Development (IR&D) Computation in support of SBIR projects Collaborative Software Development and Testing Basic or Applied Research Autonomous Systems Basic or Applied Research Directed Energy Basic or Applied Research Computational Fluid Dynamics or Propulsion Basic or Applied Research Material Science Basic or Applied Research Medical or Bioinformatics Basic or Applied Research Cyber systems Basic or Applied Research Sensors or Space Systems Strategic Development Planning & Experimentation Modeling, Simulation, and Analysis Operations Research/Optimization Data analytics/Data mining Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. If we had a physical cafe, (located at Wright Brothers Institute, 444 E 2nd St, Dayton, OH 45402), where you could use this supercomputer verses just virtual use, would you be willing to go there to access it? yes no (please explain) Comments Question Title * 4. The supercomputer would be connected to the Ohio Academic Research Network (OARNet) which provides the ability to openly collaborate with Ohio colleges, universities, and academic medical centers that are not typically accessible via DoD networks.How beneficial would having access to these entities and OARNet be to you? Not Important Slightly Important Fairly Important Important Very Important Not Important Slightly Important Fairly Important Important Very Important Comments Question Title * 5. Would you utilize the supercomputer and all of its resources even if you had to pay for access? yes (please explain) no (please explain) Comment: Question Title * 6. Job Field: Question Title * 7. Company Field/Industry: Question Title * 8. Company Size: Question Title * 9. Any additional questions or concerns: Done