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* 1. What did you think of the 2015 budget overall?

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* 2. What did you think about this year's budget for SMEs?

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* 3. Please rank the key budget measures from most important to least important

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* 4. The budget provides for a $20,000 tax write off for asset purchases for your business. Do you plan to take advantage of this measure?

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* 5. The $20,000 asset write off can be used for as many items as you want. How much do you intend to spend in total?

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* 6. If you are planning to buy business assets and claim them under the $20,000 write off what will you buy?

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* 7. Any other comments about the budget?

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* 8. What is the nature of your business or place of work?

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* 9. What is your position within your business?