2025 Women's Writing Mentorship Program Application
First Meeting Date: Saturday, February 22, 9 am - noon

1.Your name
2.Your email address
3.Please provide us with your mailing address and telephone number:
4.What sparked your interest in this program?
5.What do you wish to gain from participation in this group?
6.In a short sentence or two, please describe any past writing experiences, either positive or negative.
7.We believe writing can be life-giving. How are you hoping that writing, at this time in your life, might be a good thing for you?
8.If you are currently working on a writing project, please provide a short description. (Please note that an existing project is not required to be part of this group.)
9.Who are some of your favorite writers?
10.Which areas of writing appeal to you? Please check all that apply.
11.Please indicate your age range.
12.Is there anything else you would like to share about yourself?
13.Would financial help with childcare/eldercare or transportation be helpful to you?
14.Can you think of any barriers that would prevent you from taking part on a monthly basis?
Current Progress,
0 of 14 answered