Question Title

* 1. Your boss, Ms. Alpha, attends an important client meeting with you. You want to introduce her to your client, Mr. Beta. You rise and say, "Ms. Alpha, I'd like you to meet Mr. Beta, our client from the City of Fort Worth." Is this introduction correct?

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* 2. You're greeting or saying goodbye to someone. When is the proper time to shake their hand?

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* 3. You're talking with a group of 4 people. Do you make eye contact with:

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* 4. When you greet a visitor in the office, do you:

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* 5. Select the correct rule for introductions from the following. In the business arena:

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* 6. In the business arena, it is necessary for a man to:

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* 7. For easy reading, one's name badge should be worn:

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* 8. The best way to meet people at a business or social function is to:

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* 9. If you have to introduce two people and you can't remember one person's name, you may recover by saying:

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* 10. When expressing thanks to someone who has given you a gift, you should:

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* 11. When two people are discussing business, how far apart should they stand?

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* 12. A toast has been proposed in your honor. You say, "thank you," and take a sip of your drink. Have you acted correctly?

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* 13. You're in a restaurant, and a thin soup is served in a cup with no handles. To eat it, you should:

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* 14. You're at a dinner, and champagne is served with dessert. You simply can't drink champagne, yet you know the host will be offering a toast. Which do you do?

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* 15. You're at a table in a restaurant for a business dinner. Midway through the meal, you're called to the telephone. What do you do with your napkin?

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* 16. You're invited to a reception. The invitation states "7:00pm to 9:00pm." When should you arrive?

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* 17. When dining with someone important, and your cell phone rings, you should:

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* 18. When you're dining in a restaurant and accidentally drop your fork on the floor, you should:

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* 19. At dinner, when you notice the person on your left eating the roll from your bread plate, you should:

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* 20. You've forgotten a lunch with a business associate. You feel terrible and know he's furious. What do you do?

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* 21. At lunch, you notice that the stranger sitting next to you has spinach in her teeth. You should:

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* 22. A manager frequently comes to work with stains or rips in his work attire. What message does that send?

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* 23. On "casual Friday," it is fine to:

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* 24. Which of the following is NOT a good rule for dressing professionally?

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* 25. When accessorizing for the office, it IS acceptable to wear:

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* 26. In the summertime in the office, men's shirts can:

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* 27. A woman's handbag, if small, may be placed on:

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* 28. You pass a coworker in the hallway, and he asks, "How are you?" You should respond by:

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* 29. You are running to a meeting (almost late!) and just remembered that you need to bring a packet of post-it notes to the meeting. You should:

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* 30. It's lunch time! Where should you eat your liverwurst and limburger sandwich?

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* 31. Your cube-mate receives a personal call from her child's teacher. You should:

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* 32. This part of the meeting doesn't really pertain to you, and you have nothing to contribute. What should you do?

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* 33. As you're walking in the hall past Joe's workspace, you remember something you want to tell him. Although his door is shut, you know he is in. You should: