Bathurst Destination Management Plan 2024 Visitor Survey

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.
Your participation in this survey will help provide Council with key information to improve and manage tourism in the Bathurst region now and into the future.
This survey should take no more than five minutes to complete. If you wish to go into the draw for a chance to win one of three $100 Buy Local Gift Cards, please provide your contact details at the end of the survey.
1.What area are you visiting from?
2.What is the makeup of your current travel group?
3.How do you generally get to the Bathurst region?
4.How long do you generally stay in the Bathurst region?
5.What are you hoping to experience during your visit? (multiple selections allowed)
6.How would you rate Bathurst as a destination for tourists?
7.What are the main attributes that attract you to the Bathurst region?
8.How would you rate the following experiences in the region:
Very poor
Very Good
Attractions and tours
Art and culture
Food and wine
Bars and pubs
Mt Panorama
Outdoors activities
9.Do you have any other comments on how tourism can be improved in the Bathurst region?
Thank you for completing this survey. Your answers will remain confidential and be used to help develop the Bathurst Destination Management Plan 2024. If you wish to enter into the draw for one of three $100 Buy Local Gift Cards, please provide your contact details below.
10.Full name:
12.Phone number: