What needs can Quietly Unconventional meet? Question Title * 1. I think the age group that most struggles with authenticity vs. conformity is Teens Young adults / college Parents of young children Midlife, parents of older children Empty Nest Retired Widowed Question Title * 2. My biggest struggles with living more authentically include: Others won't like the person behind the mask. I don't like the person behind the mask. If I don't keep up the image, I'll be rejected. I'm not sure who the real me is anymore. I like the real me but I'm afraid to be vulnerable. People pleasing is a habit. I can't help wearing masks to make others happy. Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. How successful are you at achieving the things on your bucket list? I'm actively crossing them off and going for more. I dream of doing those things, but rarely accomplish any. I'm too busy keeping the plates spinning. Nobody cares about my list. I'm too busy helping other achieve their bucket lists. My bucket list isn't very important to me. I wish I had someone who encouraged me to do those things. Question Title * 4. Which statements do you most agree with? I often prefer something a little unusual over what's conventional or popular. I generally stick with what everybody else likes or believes. I rarely allow what others think to sway my preferences. I wish I was better at conforming and blending in. I'm a pro at conforming and blending in. It's my superpower. I'm proud to be unique, but it's hard to live authentically every day. I wish I could be content with what everyone else likes, but (honestly) I rarely am. Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. I most often feel like a (secret) misfit when I'm: at work or school at home at church in a social gathering with extended family with my friends out in public where no one knows me anywhere that I'm expected to make small talk Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. What scares you or stresses you out when you consider letting others see the real you? Question Title * 7. Complete this statement: I would be able to live more joyfully and authentically if you offered me a short book or video series that helped me ... Question Title * 8. Complete this statement: I would be able to live more joyfully and authentically if you offered me some devotions that focused on ... Question Title * 9. Complete this statement: I wish you could make my life simpler or less frustrating by offering me a checklist that helped me ... Question Title * 10. Complete this statement: I wish you could make my life feel more authentic and less frustrating by offering a quiz that helped me figure out ... Done