Teacher Survey Los Ayudantes 1. Question Title * 1. Name, School OK Question Title * 2. On a scale from 1-5 stars, did you find the Los Ayudantes Tutor(s) helpful this year? 1 - The tutors were not helpful at all 5 - The tutors were very helpful 1 - The tutors were not helpful at all 5 - The tutors were very helpful Comments: OK Question Title * 3. On a sliding scale of 1-5 stars, did you find the Los Ayudantes Tutor(s) this year added more work to your plate or reduced the workload? 1 - The tutors greatly added to my workload 5 - The tutors greatly reduced my workload 1 - The tutors greatly added to my workload 5 - The tutors greatly reduced my workload Comments: OK Question Title * 4. On a scale of 1-5 stars, did you find the Los Ayudantes Tutor(s), had an impact on the reading level of the student(s) with whom they read? (If you don't know or don't know yet, please indicate that in the comments box. 1 - The tutors had no impact on the reading level of the student(s) 5 - The tutors greatly impacted the reading level of the student(s) 1 - The tutors had no impact on the reading level of the student(s) 5 - The tutors greatly impacted the reading level of the student(s) Comments: OK Question Title * 5. On a scale of 1-5 stars, did you find the Los Ayudantes Tutor(s), had an impact on the mood and general happiness level of the student(s) with whom they read? 1 - The tutors had no impact on the mood and happiness of the student(s) 5 - The tutors greatly impacted the mood and happiness of the student(s) 1 - The tutors had no impact on the mood and happiness of the student(s) 5 - The tutors greatly impacted the mood and happiness of the student(s) Comments: OK Question Title * 6. Most Los Ayudantes Tutors worked during the "literacy" period. Could you have used tutors during other subjects? Yes No Maybe Comments: OK Question Title * 7. If you appreciated the Los Ayudantes Tutors and found them helpful, how did did you utilize the tutors (i.e. small groups in the hall, one-on-one with a struggling reader, tutor visiting different table groups, etc.) Is it Ok if we shared your feedback with other teachers who might be thinking about using a Los Ayudantes tutor? OK Question Title * 8. Do you think a teacher orientation (such as simply an instructional email or training session) before and at the beginning of the tutoring program next year would be useful to help teachers understand what we do and how best to utilize us? Yes No Maybe If yes, please indicate 1) instructional email, 2) short training session/meeting. OK Question Title * 9. Some have suggested that we might want to change our name because it might indicate we only work with Hispanic English learners versus students from all backgrounds. Do you agree? Yes No Comments: OK Question Title * 10. Are there other ways the Los Ayudantes Program Director could have managed the Tutors to help them be more effective? Are there any other comments you have for us? OK DONE