Delphi, Indiana's Monon High Bridge Awareness Survey

1.I primarily grew up in the US town or city of: (leave state name for next question)(Required.)
2.My hometown was in the state of(Required.)
3.I attended ________ High School(Required.)
4.I was in the graduating class of (year; leave blank if you prefer not to respond):
5.(Or alternativeIy;) I graduated high school in the:
6.Growing up, I was generally aware of the Monon High Bridge (MHB) in Delphi(Required.)
7.While in school or in college, (choose one):(Required.)
8.I was a bit of a wild child growing up !!(Required.)
9.I knew of some spots in or near my town that were "rites of passage" to visit or experience(Required.)
10.Comments (optional) - anything unique about me or my town that helped make me aware (or not?) of the Monon High Bridge growing up?