LWV Kent ASP Consensus Questionnaire: Topic 5 - Perception of Safety

LWV Ohio Consensus Study: Arming School Personnel

All response will remain anonymous. The survey is an aid to assist the ASP committee to request input from as many LWV Kent members as possible.

Topic: Perception of Safety

The LWV Ohio has divided this topic into 3 questions.  Questions 10 and 11 are as written.  Question 12 has been divided into smaller parts to accommodate the Survey Monkey "free" format.

1.10. Given that the new lock-down drills and additional measures schools are already in use, with which statements do you agree?
2.11. How does the presence of armed school personnel affect students of color?  
3. 12. Which would create a healthier and safer environment for students and school personnel?

12 A. Creating and monitoring the safety measures related to the building design.
4.12 B.  Adding mental health resources.
5.12 C.  Providing Active Shooter Training for students and school personnel.
6.12 D.  Educating students and school personnel about violence prevention in schools.
7.12 E.  Arming the Security Resource Officer
8.12 F. Arming school personnel
9.13.  With which statement do you most agree regarding arming school personnel?
Current Progress,
0 of 9 answered