Question Title

* 1. How many Business Caucuses have you attended?

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* 2. What are the top two sources you use to follow the legislative process at home?

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* 3. Please select your location from the following

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* 4. How many people does your business employ?

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* 5. We now have a multi-generational workplace.  To which generation do you belong?

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* 6. Next let's look at the gender mix.  Are you?

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* 7. One last demographic.  Are you?

Question Title

* 8. Highway Funding.  Do you support raising taxes to increase funding for highways, roads and bridges?

Question Title

* 9. How much of an increase in state and local funding would you support?

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* 10. Select up to three taxes below that should be increased to pay for highway, road and bridge repairs

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* 11. How much are you willing to increase your overall property tax bill to boost funding for highways, roads and bridges?

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* 12. Technical Schools - Which statement best describes how you think the technical institutes should be governed?

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* 13. Would you vote for this amendment?

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* 14. Would your company make a campaign contribution to pass this amendment?

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* 15. Even though SB 166 has been tabled, which statement best expresses your thoughts on the initiative and referendum process?

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* 16. Given the lack of specific definition for "slightly" in the comparative negligence statute, do you support HB 1103 to make South Dakota a majority negligence state?

Question Title

* 17. Which of the following best describes your thoughts about HB 1103 - revise certain provisions relating to comparative negligence?

Question Title

* 18. Does your business have a policy about employees personal websites?

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* 19. Do you use social media such as Facebook when screening application's for employment?

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* 20. Do you think employers should have the right to collect passwords from employee's private social media accounts when they aren't under suspicion for a crime?

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* 21. Do you support a youth wage?

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* 22. On what basis does your company offer paid sick leave? Choose up to two

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* 23. Should leased residential property have a separate class of property?

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* 24. Would your answer change if research showed that property tax on commercial residential is a significantly higher percentage of income than other commercial properties?

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* 25. Do you support the idea of the state having a collection office?

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* 26. How do you feel about the state withholding licenses from people who owe the state money?

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* 27. Are there any listed below that the state should NOT withhold from debtors? Choose up to two

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* 28. SB 135 would  authorize municipalities to impose an additional sales and use tax for a limited period of time for a specified use.  Would you vote for SB 135?

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* 29. It is often said that "the next penny is the last penny" that will be available. Do you think there is such a thing as the "last penny" for the limit of sales tax?

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* 30. If you think an additional penny sales tax should pass the legislature, do you hope it is used in your own city?

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* 31. If the election were today, who would you vote for in the presidential primary?

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* 32. If the election were today, who would you vote for in the gubernatorial primary?