2015 Business Caucus Question Title * 1. How many Business Caucuses have you attended? I have been to one I have attended several Question Title * 2. What are the top two sources you use to follow the legislative process at home? Newspaper Television news Public radio and television Internet news sources Blogs and social media Friends - chatting Question Title * 3. Please select your location from the following Region I - Western - Black Hills to West of Wall Region II - Mid-west - West of Wall to West of Pierre Region III - Mid-east - Pierre to West of Mitchell Region IV - I-29 Corridor Question Title * 4. How many people does your business employ? 1 - 10 11 - 49 50 - 99 100 or more Question Title * 5. We now have a multi-generational workplace. To which generation do you belong? The Greatest Generation 1928-1947 Boomers 1947-1964 Generation X 1964-1982 Millennial - Everyone since 1982 Question Title * 6. Next let's look at the gender mix. Are you? Female Male Question Title * 7. One last demographic. Are you? Right hand dominant Left hand dominant Ambidextrous - Just can't make up my mind Question Title * 8. Highway Funding. Do you support raising taxes to increase funding for highways, roads and bridges? Yes, significantly Yes, moderately Not really but I'll agree to be social No, the problems are local and the solutions should be as well Question Title * 9. How much of an increase in state and local funding would you support? 25% 50% 75% Double current funding As much as needed to fix local roads and bridges Question Title * 10. Select up to three taxes below that should be increased to pay for highway, road and bridge repairs Gas Tax Sales tax on cars Wheel tax Property tax License plate fees Non-commercial agriculture trucks Dyed diesel used by off-road farm/construction equipment Wholesale tax on gasoline based on price Question Title * 11. How much are you willing to increase your overall property tax bill to boost funding for highways, roads and bridges? 0% 1-4% 5-6% No more than 7% I'd go to 10% but not a penny more I live with my parents, they're good for anything ya' need Question Title * 12. Technical Schools - Which statement best describes how you think the technical institutes should be governed? The current system with the K-12 board seems to be working? Control should be local and with their own board, not the K-12 board They should have a statewide board similar to the Board of Regents They should be part of the Board of Regents They should have a local board but with a statewide advisory industry group appointed by the Governor Question Title * 13. Would you vote for this amendment? Yes No Only if we can get control of North Dakota's hockey program Question Title * 14. Would your company make a campaign contribution to pass this amendment? Yes, it is important to solve the governance issue Yes, we will pledge to help (paying the pledge will be another decision) You're kidding, if the voters have to be talked into this, we can live without it We don't contribute to any ballot issues, even the ones we like No, don't agree with the amendment - will be working on the other side Question Title * 15. Even though SB 166 has been tabled, which statement best expresses your thoughts on the initiative and referendum process? Proud that South Dakota was the first to adopt it statewide and don't think it should be changed Opposed to changing, the numbers haven't changed since this started so leave them alone I support doubling the requirement, it makes the number needed equal for initiatives and constitutional amendments and that makes sense to me I support doubling, I think it is too easy to qualify ballot measures in South Dakota I am tired of being asked to contribute to stop proposals that are at times a serious threat to all businesses. Question Title * 16. Given the lack of specific definition for "slightly" in the comparative negligence statute, do you support HB 1103 to make South Dakota a majority negligence state? Yes, it is time we changed this law No, the current definition, though vague, is working Question Title * 17. Which of the following best describes your thoughts about HB 1103 - revise certain provisions relating to comparative negligence? Makes sense, a good reason to support but I still don't like lawyers Doesn't make any difference. Two routes to the same end - my business pays more No way, guaranteed payout vs a high stakes gamble in court? See you in court Just kill the bill Question Title * 18. Does your business have a policy about employees personal websites? Yes No Why? This internet thing won't last Question Title * 19. Do you use social media such as Facebook when screening application's for employment? No way, don't know them yet Kind of, we have someone who is separate from the hiring process check - trying to avoid legal or behavioral conflicts Yep, of the lunkheads we'd like to know Oh no, I'm not going to admit to that Question Title * 20. Do you think employers should have the right to collect passwords from employee's private social media accounts when they aren't under suspicion for a crime? Yes No Question Title * 21. Do you support a youth wage? Yes, young people in first jobs don't have the value of fully adult workers Yes, it should be tied to inflation like the new minimum wage Yes, for a limited time and not based on wage No, we don't treat young workers differently Question Title * 22. On what basis does your company offer paid sick leave? Choose up to two We do not offer any paid sick leave to any employee We offer paid sick leave to full-time employees only Paid sick leave is earned on the basis of hours worked Paid sick leave is earned by the number of months or years worked We offer personal leave that can be used for any reason including being sick Question Title * 23. Should leased residential property have a separate class of property? Yes, it is a different type of commercial property Yes, for data, their mil levy should stay the same as commercial No, rentals are a business, leave this alone Question Title * 24. Would your answer change if research showed that property tax on commercial residential is a significantly higher percentage of income than other commercial properties? Yes, that would be different No, it is still a commercial enterprise like my business Depends, can we apply a lower tax rate to the landlords who are my friends? Question Title * 25. Do you support the idea of the state having a collection office? Yes, the state should have a collection office No, if the state needs help, there are professional agencies they should use Partially, a small state office to track the numbers but use the private sector for heavy lifting No, the state does NOT need a new office Question Title * 26. How do you feel about the state withholding licenses from people who owe the state money? I agree, people who don't pay debts shouldn't get to hunt, drive, and license their car or get lottery winnings I agree, withholding some licenses makes sense but not for essentials like license plates and driving I do not agree, why should the state have more power to collect debt than the rest of us Question Title * 27. Are there any listed below that the state should NOT withhold from debtors? Choose up to two Driver's license Vehicle registration - cars, motorcycles and boats Hunting, fishing licenses and state park permits Any payout such as lottery (as long as not prevented by other law) All of the above Question Title * 28. SB 135 would authorize municipalities to impose an additional sales and use tax for a limited period of time for a specified use. Would you vote for SB 135? Yes, our city needs money for projects No, the next penny should be saved for state government No, a full penny is too high, make it half a cent No, if there is a new sales tax, it should go to the counties No, it is a tax increase - period Question Title * 29. It is often said that "the next penny is the last penny" that will be available. Do you think there is such a thing as the "last penny" for the limit of sales tax? Yes, meaning it will be a very, very long time before the next one No, if we accept the next penny and no one drops over, we will see more Question Title * 30. If you think an additional penny sales tax should pass the legislature, do you hope it is used in your own city? Yes, heck, we need all kinds of projects and repairs Not really, don't want my taxes going up - if others want to pay more they should have at it Sort of, wouldn't support it without that local vote though Needs limits, this should be for repairs and infrastructure, nothing fun Question Title * 31. If the election were today, who would you vote for in the presidential primary? Jeb Bush Ben Carson Chris Christie Hillary Clinton Mike Huckabee John Kasich Martin O'Malley George Pataki Rand Paul Mike Pence Rick Perry Marco Rubio Bernie Sanders Rick Snyder Scott Walker Elizabeth Warren James Webb Question Title * 32. If the election were today, who would you vote for in the gubernatorial primary? Tom Berry Corey Brown David Chicoine Stephanie Herseth Sandlin Mike Huether Marty Jackley Brendan Johnson Shantel Krebs Matt Michels Mark Mickelson Kristie Noem The woman who found oil in North Dakota Done