The Canadian Foundation for Economic Education is a charitable, non-profit, non-partisan organization, established in 1974 to help Canadians, especially youth, improve economic, financial, enterprise, and career development capability. With support from National Bank we are organizing financial help workshops for students attending university and college. We welcome your help in evaluating the impact of these workshops by completing the brief survey below. Thank you.

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* 1. We are entering everyone who attends a workshop this semester and who completes both the pre and post surveys into a draw for one of four $50 Tim Hortons gift cards. This draw will be done at the end of the semester among all entries. If you want to enter this draw please provide your email address here. Note: Your contact information will not be used for any other purpose other than the draw.

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* 2. Tell us a little about yourself. I am:

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* 3. Have you applied for scholarship or bursaries before?

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* 4. Most students finish post-secondary without taking government student loans:

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* 5. Student loans do not affect your credit score:

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* 6. How can a student improve their credit score?

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* 7. For those whose family net income is below a minimum threshold, how much free money can someone  get from the Canada Learning Bond?

Notice: We will be using this information in an aggregated report. We will not identify your individual responses in any way.