Harbor Area Central Office Survey

1.Have you gone to Harbor Area Central Office Recently?
2.If not, please select all/any reasons why:
3.Are you aware of the Harbor Area Central Office Website?
4.How often do you access it?
5.Why do you access it?
6.What could we add to it?
7.Do you buy your literature from HACO?
8.If you don't buy your literature from Central Office, where do you buy it?
9.Does your group have a representative to the Harbor Area Service Committee?
10.If you have a Harbor Area Service Representative, please help us know how our Harbor Area Committee Meetings are working. Please select all that apply:
11.If not, why not?
12.Are you aware of all the AA activities in the Harbor Area?(Required.)
13.If so, how do you find them?(Required.)
14.How could HASC do a better job of coordinating and publicizing(Required.)