2024 Professional Horseman's FINAL Ballot

Thank you for your nominations for the 2024 AMHA Professional Horseman's Award. Nominations have closed. Please go now and rank the nominated professionals so that we can finalize the award selection. We ask that you complete this survey/ranking no later than the end of the day Thursday, October 31, 2024. Thank you! [Raking of 1 is most deserving, ranking of 2 is next most deserving, etc; Use the up/down buttons to the left of the nominees names to move them in your ranking order or touch and drag the name to place it in your ranking order until you have ranked ALL nominees]

Question Title

* 1. 2024 Professional Horseman’s Award

Nominated and chosen by their professional peers, awarded yearly to the professional who supports and promotes the Morgan breed and volunteers time to mentor personally and through clinics raising the standard of training and education within the breed. Most of all, through longevity and success, this professional encompasses in every sense “Horseman.” The professional must be a member in good standing with the AMHA and a member of USEF with professional status. To view past recipients, please click here.

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* 2. Feel free to elaborate on your recommendation for this award.

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* 3. Your name (professionals only allowed to submit selections)