The ACBL is exploring new kinds of games and programs for face-to-face clubs to encourage more engagement at the club and in their community.
Several new and potential options are described below. These games and events would potentially award upgraded masterpoints (amount to be determined later).
Please answer the questions to share your feedback on these games and programs.

Question Title

* 1. What is your club number?

"Eight is Enough" is a team game in which advanced players pair with newer players. Players are assigned a rank of 1, 2 or 3, and the total of the rank amounts for the team can’t be more than eight. Ranks are based on skill level or masterpoints. (Example of a total: one ranked 3, two ranked 2s and one ranked 1)

Question Title

* 2. How interested do you think players at your club would be in an Eight is Enough game?

Question Title

* 3. Are you interested in running a pilot program?

"Four is Enough" is a pair version of the advanced/newer player matchup of Eight is Enough.

Question Title

* 4. How interested do you think players at your club would be in a Four is Enough game?

Question Title

* 5. Are you interested in running a pilot program?

"Mystery Match" is a two-table individual game designed for new players to find and match with a new partner (think speed dating for bridge!). 14 boards.

Question Title

* 6. How interested do you think players at your club would be in a Mystery Match game?

Question Title

* 7. Are you interested in running a pilot program?

"Generational Game" is an event where bridge players and their children/grandchildren play together at the club. A short lesson on trick-taking basics is followed by games with 1NT and 3NT contracts. The youngest declare!

Question Title

* 8. How interested do you think players at your club would be in a Generational Game?

Question Title

* 9. Are you interested in running a pilot program?

"Picklebridge" is a half-day event where a local bridge club partners with a local pickleball club for a joint promotion. A game of pickleball is followed by a light brunch and then a bridge game. (Find a pickleball club near you.)

Question Title

* 10. How interested do you think players at your club would be in Picklebridge?

Question Title

* 11. Are you interested in running a pilot program?

"Social Bridge" (to be named later) is a fun, low pressure bridge game where you can ask questions and chat at the table. Games award activity and achievement badges.

Question Title

* 12. How interested do you think your community would be in this bridge initiative?

Question Title

* 13. Are you interested in running a pilot program?

"Come Play Cards with Us" is an event designed to attract non-players into the club to play a different card game (think hearts, spades, euchre) or a simpler version of bridge (think all notrump contracts).

Question Title

* 14. How interested do you think your community would be in Come Play Cards with Us?

Question Title

* 15. Are you interested in running a pilot program?

"Wine and Cheese Game" pairs a wine and cheese tasting at the club paired with games of bridge.

Question Title

* 16. How interested do you think your community would be in a Wine and Cheese Game?

Question Title

* 17. Are you interested in running a pilot program?

Rubber Bridge (think Chicago Bridge).

Question Title

* 18. How interested do you think your community would be in a Rubber Bridge Tournament?

Question Title

* 19. Are you interested in running a pilot program?

An after-school program for local students.

Question Title

* 20. How interested do you think your community would be in an after-school program?

Question Title

* 21. Are you interested in running a pilot program?