Simplify Your Business: Fall 2023 Survey

Simplify Your Business Survey

Thank you for making time to be here!
Many years ago, I absorbed this mantra from one of my executives: Test, Learn, & Refine. It's become a mantra at Ellevated Outcomes, and we use it every day.
So before enrollment opens for our fall semester of Simplify Your Business, I wanted to ask you 5 questions, to improve it even further. My goal is to make the teachings more impactful and customized to you, our target market, and the state of the small business market in 2023.
1.Do you feel confident about which products / services you offer, and their pricing?
2.These things keep me up at night (check all that apply):
3.Which of these tools would feel helpful?
4.What do you do?
5.What is your top concern about your industry (or clientele) in 2023-2024?
Current Progress,
0 of 5 answered