Real Estate Market Sentiment Survey Question Title * 1. How would you describe your overall sentiment towards the current real estate market? Very Positive Somewhat Positive Neutral Somewhat Negative Very Negative Question Title * 2. Do you believe real estate prices will increase, decrease, or stay the same in the next 12 months? Increase Decrease Stay the same Question Title * 3. What factors are influencing your sentiment about the real estate market? (Select all that apply) Interest Rates Economic Conditions Housing Supply Government Policies Personal Financial Situation Other Question Title * 4. How likely are you to buy or sell a property in the next 12 months? Very Likely Somewhat Likely Not Sure Somewhat Unlikely Very Unlikely Question Title * 5. How do you feel about the availability of affordable housing in your area? Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Question Title * 6. What type of real estate property do you think has the most potential for financial growth? Residential Commercial Industrial Land Other Done