The SIFMA Foundation's Stock Market Game™ (SMG) gives students the chance to invest a hypothetical $100,000 in an on-line portfolio. This program offers a vast library of learning materials correlated to the Arizona State Standards. More than 400 schools in Arizona have incorporated the program into classes in creative ways over the years - from 4th to 12th grade, all across the curriculum.

Arizona Title 1 schools that have 40% or more free and reduced lunch are eligible to receive funding for their Stock Market Game teams.  ACEE recommends teams consist of 3 or more students. Please fill out the below form to receive funding; the application is simple and takes 2 minutes! 

To double check if your school qualifies CLICK HERE.

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* 1. Contact information:

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* 2. What is the % of students receiving free/reduced lunch at your school? (Click on the above "check if your school qualifies" document link for this information.)

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* 3. What grade(s) are the students who will be playing SMG in?

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* 4. How many teams are you requesting? (Funded teams should have 3 or more students per teams.)

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* 5. Approximately, how many students will be on each team?

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* 6. Which period are you planning to use the Stock Market Game?

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* 7. What class/subject will the SMG be played in?

There is nothing else that you need to do other than make sure that you register your teams to play the Stock Market Game at  When prompted to choose payment methods please select "Pay Later".