
We are conducting a survey to gather insights on how an app might improve quality of life for people with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). Your participation is entirely voluntary, and completion of the survey signifies your consent. The survey is anonymous and cannot be linked to you in any way. Only combined data will be publicly used, and your responses will help guide development of our planned consumer / patient focused app for IBD co-care. https://helmsleytrust.org/grants/crohns-colitis-cure-20197638/.

Crohn’s Colitis Cure (CCCure) is an IBD focused charity based in Australia and NZ - https://c-c-cure.org/about/, which is dedicated to optimising care now and being instrumental in cure for people with IBD.

By selecting 'Next,' you confirm your willingness to participate and your desire to help solve IBD.
4% of survey complete.