Purpose of the HVCOC Building Survey

We have an amazing opportunity to grow the Kingdom. God has placed us in one of the fastest growing communities in the state of Tennessee. He has placed us at the crossroads center point of the Hardin Valley community. We are less than two miles from 4 schools ranging from Elementary School to Community College. We are currently the only church building on Hardin Valley Road from Covered Bridge to our west to Pellissippi Parkway to our east.

Our mission to make disciples emphasizes the privilege and responsibility God has given us by placing us here in Hardin Valley. Since God has placed us in this location at this time, He will also provide whatever resources we need to accomplish His vision. He has blessed this congregation with tremendous gifts, talents, and resources, and we want to make sure we faithfully utilize them to the fullest for His glory.

One of those blessings is our building which facilitates so much of what we do as a church family in our mission to grow the Kingdom. As we continue to grow, we need to also ensure that we are properly planning and addressing the facility needs (and challenges) of a larger church family. For example, our first service today is bumping up against the 80% rule that says if a meeting space or parking lot is 80% occupied, people who visit will consider it full and look elsewhere. By adding a second service, utilizing our existing space to provide another worship time opportunity for both members and visitors, we are helping to address this challenge. However, our adult classes are now also bumping up against this 80% rule.

Another challenge we need to address is space for our Youth. While we built classroom space for nursery through 5th grade, our Youth (6th – 12th grade) have been moved to different locations and asked to share space with the Children’s Ministry. Currently the Youth Group is meeting in the Rotunda because it is the only space large enough to accommodate them. From the beginning, a foundational part of our mission has been to prioritize the teaching and discipling of our children and youth. As this remains our goal, we need to plan for the future space needs of both our Youth Group and Children’s Ministry.

The Coordinating Deacons, along with the building committee and others, have been in the process of evaluating near-term and longer-term options to accommodate our current requirements, as well as Hardin Valley’s vision for the future. To be clear, no decision has been made at this time. We are still prayerfully seeking God’s wisdom and guidance on how to faithfully carry out his mission, being both bold in our faith and wise in our stewardship of what he has entrusted to us. For that purpose, we ask that each person prayerfully complete this survey, providing very important input to Hardin Valley leadership. Each person's thoughts, opinions, and suggestions are highly valued.