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We would like you to help us by taking a few minutes to give us your views about the home care services you receive. Whether you do or do not answer the questions will not affect the services you personally receive.
By home care services we mean services you receive in your home that are provided by paid workers and not help that you might receive from family members or friends. A home care worker should help you take care of yourself by helping you with, for example, bathing, dressing, using the toilet, preparing and eating meals, taking medicines and getting in to and out of bed. This could be physical help or simply a prompt or reminder to do things yourself.
Home care workers may also help you to get out and about, and accompany you to the shops, library, or other places in the community.

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* 1. What sex are you?

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* 2. How old are you?

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* 3. How is your home care funded?

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* 4. Who provides your home care service?

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* 5. Please put a tick next to any of the care services listed below which you recieve from your care home provider.

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* 6. How often do you recieve support from your home care provider?

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* 7. How long is the average stay of your home care worker?

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* 8. Does your care worker usually arrive on time?

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* 9. Did you decide what help you needed from your home care worker?

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* 10. Are your care requirements ever reviewed?

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* 11. Is your care worker usually someone who you have met before?

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* 12. Are you and your carer/family always kept informed of any changes to your care worker times, routines etc?

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* 13. What notice were you given of any changes to your home service care provision?

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* 14. Do Carers always wear a uniform and carry identification card/badge?

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* 15. Does your care worker treat you with dignity and respect?

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* 16. Do you feel that your care worker is allocated enough time with you in order to complete all of the tasks required?

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* 17. If you attend clubs/appointments outside of the home, are you ready on time?

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* 18. Do you know how to make a complaint or compliment regarding the services you recieve from care workers?

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* 19. Do you feel that you and your carer/family are listned to if you have any issues or concerns?

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* 20. Please rate how satified you are with the standard of care you recieved from your home care provider? 1 star being unhappy - 10 stars being extreamly happy.

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* 21. Is there anything else you wish to tell us about any aspect of the home care service you recieve?

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* 22. If you wish to be entered into the prize draw for a £30 Tesco Voucher, please tick the box below and leave your name and telephone number. Thank you!

Thank you for completing the questionnaire. All responses are treated in strict confidence. If you want to speak to us in more detail about your experience of home care services, please get in touch using the contact details below, and i will arrange to see you.

Stephen Thomas
Healthwatch Development Officer
Tel; 0800 254 5552
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